Twenty-Five Random Things About Me

Just in case you’ve ever wondered, here are twenty-five random things about me, in no particular order:

1. I love my Grandma with all my heart, and I miss her more than words can ever say.

2. I hate to wake up in the mornings.

3. There are a couple of friends of mine who say I’m an idiot savant when it comes to geography, but I’m not
sure why šŸ˜‰

4. I can fold a fitted sheet.

5. I love writing, even though I struggle to find topics to write about most days.

6. A friend of mine says my driving, “gives her the vertigo.”

7. I think Duran Duran is the great band EVER.

8. I daydream way too much.

9. Winter is my favorite season, even moreso when it snows!

10. I love the smell of coffee, but I don’t like the taste; unless it has cream and a TON of sugar!

11. I play the flute, and at one time I was really good at it.

12. To me, England is the greatest place on earth, bar none. Iā€™m a total Anglophile!

13. I’m extremely loyal to my family and friends.

14. I’m terrified of snakes.

15. My favorite TV show is “Days of our Lives,” although I’ve not really been able to watch it since Grandma
passed. We used to talk about it all the time, and it’s still too painful.

16. I’ve suffered from chronic depression since my teenage years.

17. I use humor as a way to mask my insecurities.

18. Some people call me OCD, but I’ve never thought of myself that way.

19. I have a bad habit of comparing myself to others and never thinking I’m good enough to measure up.

20. The only foreign countries I’ve been to are England and Brazil.

21. I believe I’m the world’s champion at holding a grudge. I’m not proud of it, but there you go.

22. Sometimes I feel like I’m a bundle of contradictions.

23. My favorite color is gray.

24. My memory is terrible.

25. Saturday is definitely my favorite day of the week.

2 thoughts on “Twenty-Five Random Things About Me

  1. Jennifer

    It scares me that I knew all of these things about you. I have probably, at some time, used each one of these facts to in some way torture you! I enjoyed this blog, Glenn!

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